3rd Annual Men's Empowerment Prayer Breakfast 2nd Session by Rev.Pius Ondachi cont'd
3rd Annual Men's Empowerment Prayer Breakfast. 2nd Session by Rev. Pius Ondachi
3rd Annual Men's Empowerment Prayer Breakfast. 1st Session. Rev. Rob Woods.
Multistreaming with https://restream.io/ Why Worry When You can Pray
Faith & Trust in God. #YouthService Sermon by Precious Gichane. Worship by SaMSoft
God's Faithfulness Introduction Christ is given the name “Faithful”: I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. - Revelation 19:11a God’s Faithfulness is dependent upon His character: Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we…
@Pastor Lucy Paynter at Glorious Power Church WHY DO WE NEED OUR SPIRITUAL EYES TO OPEN 1. For direction: (Numbers 22: 1.39) This can be physical direction or direction before taking a decision regarding career, marriage, jobs, churches, or friendship. 2. To pray targeted prayer: (Romans 8:26-27) Once our spiritual…
@Glorious Power Church Prayerline Conference. Word by Min.Florence
Monday Fellowship Sermon by @ Pastor Lucy Paynter. Reflections: Check out the following as we pursue to serve the Purposes of God in our Generation. Text from 2 kings 3 People Involved Problems Involved Prophet Involved Plan involved Power Involved Pursuit Involved
Worship service @Glorious Power Church Praise & Worship by @Samsoft Sermon by @Pastor Lucy Paynter
We ought to perceive what the Lord is about to do. @ Pastor Lucy Paynter.