In our God, lies all that is glorious and beautiful. All that is elegant and beautiful. His elegance and transcendent excellence ought to make us regard Him with the highest veneration. Honor and majesty accompany His presence. The whole universe displays His glory. Justice, holiness and mercy light His courts. He adorns Himself in holiness. His very nature diffuses a pleasantness, a gentleness over those that dwell in His presence. These are the symbols of His style. The uniqueness that testifies to His praiseworthiness. These are the qualities of our God that the Bible, almost in its entirety, calls us to acclaim, to resound and bless our God for.
This is the wisdom in the psalmists’ words in Psalm 96:6-10
when he says: Splendor and majesty are before Him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength! Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts! Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; tremble before him, all the earth! Say among the nations, “The Lord reigns!
And this is a constant theme throughout the Bible: that our God is worthy of praise from every created being. That we must recognize and declare, not as a people conferring a new attribute to God, but a people acknowledging his glory and strength. This is an imperative call. A call demanding compliance from God’s people to give Him both time and attention. To approach Him with absolute surrender and service. To present ourselves before Him, not just to receive, but to give the Lord the honor that is due His name and to acknowledge his just, holy and true nature.
The psalmist’s words are a call to us to present to the Lord an offering befitting the one true and living God. A holy, living and acceptable sacrifice. A sacrifice of prayer, of praise and a broken heart. A token of our own submission. This is what it means to worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness. To bring to Him what is due to Him because of His nature and perfection. To confess the Godness of our Lord Jesus and to worship God in the manner in which He Himself has prescribed. And how do we know what kind of worship the Lord demands of us? By being intimate with Him. By staying in constant contact with Him.
And this is why we said yesterday that we can never fully appreciate the splendor of His holiness until we have experienced it. And we cannot claim to have experienced it until we have lived in His presence. Until we immerse ourselves into the worship of the Lord without reservations. The testimony of our experience of the Lord’s holiness and greatness makes the matter and the motive of our worship because it does not leave a heart that has beheld it empty. The divine presence invokes a profound reverence for the Lord. It makes hearts tremble with awe. It breaths a life into our hearts. It triggers a provocation in a believer that cannot be contained until all we want to do is proclaim it to the world. To shout for all to hear that we have seen the goodness of the Lord. That we have seen His favor and mercy. That we have tasted of the Lord and we know that He is good.
This is why the psalmist says in verse ten of the text we have read today; Say among the nations, “The Lord reigns! This proclamation comes after the people have worshiped the Lord in all His splendor. After they have experienced the fullness of His glory. And this draws the implication that it is only where the Lord reigns that He can be worshiped in spirit and in truth. That the profession of our faith relies deeply on our worship. We proclaim and invite people into a kingdom that we have dwelt in and whose goodness we have experienced firsthand. Our experience of the Lord’s goodness, His majesty, and holiness lays the foundation for our testimony.
You see, you cannot walk in the splendor of His holiness and stay the same because it is a life-altering, a chain-breaking, freedom-giving presence
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