Mathew 16:21
After Peter was given a revelation of who Jesus is from the father, he later told JESUS that he won’t leave the earth.
Jesus rebuked peter that SATAN should leave him.
What prevents us from serving God.
Our own self. Pride can prevent us from serving the Lord.
Peter saw things from a human point of view instead of God’s.
We cannot serve the purposes of God effectively, we can’t do that if we are so concerned with protecting ourselves and our interests.
Serving the lord comes with Personal cost.
We have been given authority but for it to be effective:
Christ Demands Three things.
1. Deny yourself. We deny our will and make God’s will ours.
2. Take up HIS cross. You can’t be able to overcome self and sinful nature without crucifying it.
3. Follow Christ.
Galatians 2: 20 I am crucified with Christ, I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. I do not frustrate the grace.
After you have gotten everything you want, what then?
The real cause of rejoicing is that we are the children of God, and our names are written in heaven